
Most of the functions work the same way in both Python2 and Python3. However, there are a few functions that have different return types. For example, the round() function in Python2 returns a floating-point number, while round in Python3 returns an integer (unless specified).

Below are a list of commonly used built-in functions.

Built-in functions

  • abs
  • all
  • any
  • bin
  • bool
  • chr
  • dict
  • dir
  • divmod
  • enumerate
  • filter
  • float
  • hex
  • int
  • isinstance
  • issubclass
  • len
  • list
  • long
  • map
  • max
  • min
  • oct
  • ord
  • pow
  • print
  • range
  • raw_input
  • reduce
  • repr
  • reversed
  • round
  • set
  • slice
  • sorted
  • str
  • sum
  • tuple
  • xrange
  • zip

For information about how to use the above functions, check out built-in functions on Python's official documentation.


print(bin(3))        # 0b11
print(hex(255))      # 0xff
print(abs(-5))       # 5
print(pow(3, 2))     # 9
print(round(3.5))    # 4
print(round(3.2))    # 3
print(oct(8))        # 0o10
print(ord('A'))      # 65
print(chr(97))       # a

a = [1,4,5,2,3]
print(sorted(a))     # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

User-defined functions

You can define your own function by using the def keyword.


def my_add(a, b):
    c = a + b
    return c

print(my_add(1, 2))  # 3
