
Python-Multipart is a library for handling multipart/form-data POST requests. This is usually only needed or used when running a web server and you have a place where users can upload files.


This library is needed for handling POST requests with Starlette.


Handling a Multipart Request

Below is an example of how to handle a basic multipart request using the Bottle library for our server:

from bottle import request, get, post, run
import multipart

def index_get():
    return 'hi'

def index_post():
    field_to_values = {}
    filenames = []
    ret = {
        'field_to_values': field_to_values,
        'filenames': filenames
    def on_field(field):
        field_to_values[field.field_name.decode()] = field.value.decode()

    def on_file(file):

    # Python-Multipart doesn't assume we are using WSGI, so we need to
    # manually create a header dictionary to pass to it.
    environ = request.environ
    headers = {'Content-Type': environ['CONTENT_TYPE']}
    if 'HTTP_X_FILE_NAME' in environ:
        headers['X-File-Name'] = environ['HTTP_X_FILE_NAME']
    if 'CONTENT_LENGTH' in environ:
        headers['Content-Length'] = environ['CONTENT_LENGTH']

    # Parse the form
    multipart.parse_form(headers, environ['wsgi.input'], on_field, on_file)

    return ret

# host must be to work in the Python3 IDE
run(host='', port=8000)

Then we need to take the URL generated in our running app to the right of our code and use it to make a POST request to our server.


When you run your program, you will get a random URL in the form of:


Make sure you copy the whole URL for the next part of this example.

Then we can open a command line tool (cmd in Windows or Terminal in macOS) and write the following:

curl -X POST -d "key1=val1&key2=val2" https://(YOUR URL HERE)/

Our server will return the following and it will be printed in your terminal:

{"field_to_values": {"key1": "val1", "key2": "val2"}, "filenames": []}
