
The challenge configuration page is one of the tabs available only to community group admins. Upon accessing the page, you will be brought to a page listing all challenges created within your community group, with the most recently created appearing first:

Challenge Config List

You may click on the Challenge Name column header to sort by Alphabetical Order, and click again to change direction.

Note: Alphabetical order is case sensitive for this list, A-Z uppercase comes before a-z lowercase

Changing a Challenge's Category

You may set a challenge to be as part as many categories as you feel by using the dropdown next to every challenge in the table:

Challenge Config List

Note: You may also type part of the name of your category in the search bar within the dropdown to quickly filter to the categories you want

You may add additional categories by clicking the Dashboard Category Config tab on the top of the page.

To save your changes to the categories, please click the Save button to the right of the dropdown.

Routing Options

There are two ways you can customize each challenge's visibility in the dashboard. One way is to simply turn off the switch labelled Route to Dashboard:

Challenge Route Switch

You may also choose for any reason to not route submissions from a specific community by clicking on the Exceptions link below the route switch, and add the URL prefix of the community you wish to ignore submissions for, one URL per line.

This means, if your community's URL was example.oyoclass.com, you would input example in the wondow that pops up:

Challenge Routing Exception

Sorting and Filtering Challenges

On the top of the table, there are several sort and filter options. You may do the following with these options:

  1. Sort by Challenge Name, Popularity, or Create Time
  2. Sort these options in Ascending or Descending order
  3. Filter challenges and only show those contained within certain categories, or specifically for those which do not have a category set
  4. Filter challenges by which community they were created in

Challenge List Filter

There is also a quick search bar to the left of the sort and filter options, which allows you to search by either the name of or the ID of a particular challenge:

Quick Search

Quick Search Results