In this section we'll break down how to read the challenge checking interface in the Check Solutions tab.

Choosing a Challenge

You can choose which challenge you want to begin checking solutions for by clicking on any of the challenge names listed in the left panel, after which it will be colored blue with a small marker on the left of its name.

Choosing a Challenge

After selecting a challenge from the left panel, the image on the right side will be replaced with the solution checking interface:

Full Challenge Checking Interface

The Challenge Section

The topmost section of the interface includes the name of the challenge, as well as the description of the challenge as it appears in the community the currently viewed solution is submitted to. In the following example, the challenge's name is Challenge 1:

The Challenge Section

The Solution Section

The section below the challenge section is the solution section, which lists the student's alias, which community it was submitted in at which time, along with an estimated grade level of the submitter:

The Solution Section

Viewing the Solution Key

If the challenge has one available, then the View Solution Key button will open a panel containing the solution key as configured by the original challenge creator as well as any attachments that were included in the challenge's creation:

The Solution Key

Skipping Solutions

The final thing of note in this section is the Skip to Next Solution button. If there is a particular submission that is problematic or not easily checked, you may click on the skip button to leave the current solution unchecked and load the next one in the queue instead (after a short delay to prevent abuse).
When the skip button is pressed, the solution you were viewing will automatically be freed for other mentors to check.

The Skip Button

The Check Section

In this section, this is where you may mark your assessment of the submission and determine whether the student passed the challenge or not:

The Check Section

The dropdown on top chooses the action (pass or fail the solution), if you are passing the solution, then the badge issue notes section will be visible. Below this is where you may leave feedback to the student. Finally below the feedback section, is the button you click to submit your judgement (and automatically load the next checkable solution to the challenge if one exists).

For many challenges, the solution is simply a link to a project on an app. These types of solutions may easily be put into the badge notes by simply clicking on the Copy link from solution button in the Badge Issue Notes section.

Copy Link from Solution

Reusing Recent Feedback

Very often, especially for passing solutions, not much more feedback is needed than a "Great!" or a "Good job". Also for solution fails, there likewise is common stumbling points and mentors will often need to fail solutions for the same reason many times.

To address this, included in the checking interface is the Pick feedback from recent history button found directly above the feedback input window. When you click on it, depending on if you have chosen to pass or fail the current solution, a window with your most recent feedbacks will be listed. You may click on one of them to quickly fill in the feedback field for rapid solution checking.

Pass: Recent Pass Feedback

Fail: Recent Fail Feedback

Stop Checking a Challenge

If you want to stop checking any challenge solution for any reason without continuing to the next one, you should click on the Take out of Review button found near the top right of the solution:

Recent Fail Feedback

Clicking this button will free the currently viewed solution for other mentors to check. If you forget to click this button when exiting the dashboard, it will take several hours for the solution to automatically be freed, so forgetting to do this may result in some feedback being delayed.